Well ok actually I'm getting on one plane and then getting on ANOTHER plane and THAT one is going to Spain BUT BUT
A week ago I was all "Dude..."
But now I'm like "DUDE"
The flight is gonna be hella long, though. I have enough music that if I played everything on my iPod it would last me over 4 days, and I also have the Italian Job, the 2009 Star Trek, and Inception to watch. PLUS, I've got two or three books I could read. And there's always sleeping, so..
Anyway, I figured I should post something here before I left. This time my unannounced and spontaneous hiatus ISN'T for no reason! It's JUSTIFIED.
Expect to see lots of updates after I come back! Well, wait, no, maybe you SHOULDN'T expect anything, that way when I actually DO deliver, you'll be all like OH WOW I WAS DEFINITELY NOT EXPECTING THIS AT ALL, WOW, THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE SURPRISE. THIS HAS BEEN DAY-MAKING.
So until then, right, don't expect A THING.