OH DON'T MIND ME while I tip-toe quietly back to the internet ;;; I MEAN WHAT, I'VE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME GUYS WOW WHY ARE YOU MAD ;;;
You're probably not mad, actually, but hey. I'M mad that I've been skimping out on posting, so, I'm allowed to project those feelings onto my nonexistent audience, aren't I? I am. It wasn't a question. I AM.
So I should probably start my grand return (again) with a summary of my trip to Europe but--
I DON'T WANT TO, it would take a long time and I'm way too lazy to do that right now SO. Maybe later. Instead you get MY DAY IN GIFS
Sort of. Not so many gifs, I think.
This morning, I was in a pissy bitch mood because I don't really know why, I think I was just mad because it's a Thursday and I hate Thursdays. Anyway, I'm pissy-bitch-walking to class WHEN SUDDENLY I see the most RANDOM and maybe the CUTEST thing I've seen in a while. There was this kid walking across campus, when suddenly he sees someone he knows, so he's like OH HEY I SEE MAH FREND and he's all waving like HI FREND
and so he walks up to his buddy with a hand up like HELL YEAH HI FIVE, BUDDY
Except his friend just walks up slowly with his arm out like BITCH NO YOU'RE GETTING A HUG DAMNIT
And he did! He just freakin HUGGED HIM, like not even a bro hug, like a legit I LOVE YOU MAN hug and he just STOOD there like that for a few good seconds. I guess anyone else who might have seen it may have thought they were gay or that it was one of those "joking around" hugs, but personally I think he was just LEGITIMATELY HAPPY to see his friend and wanted to give him a hug.
It was also really funny cause the other kid looked like he didn't know what to do. Like WAIT WHAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HUG OH MY GOD WAIT ;;;
Also, they both looked like freshman. And I don't actually hate the freshmen, so, FEARLESS GENERATION GO GO GO!
I don't know why it amused me so much, but I was like LOL I AM SUDDENLY NO LONGER ANGRY AT THE WORLD. Clearly this means that guy friends should hug more often, seeing as it seems to brighten my day so much.
So anyway, despite the random distraction, I actually got to class at a decent time. AND I AM, BY THE WAY, FINALLY AT AN ACCEPTABLE GRADE in my English class (acceptable meaning "grade > 90"). WEEEEEEW! We're doing dramas and plays right now, so FINALLY we're talking about Shakespeare. My group is reading Antony and Cleopatra, and all I know right now is that everyone think Cleopatra is a whore.
In Biology, we did a lab that was supposed to measure transpiration rate in plants when exposed to different variables like heat, wind, and humidity. And I think one group actually fed sulfuric acid to their plant. I didn't get to do that though, I had to do humidity. LAAAAAME. And it really was, oh my god, it was so lame, I wanted to punch that damn plant in the FACE. We had the hardest time setting up the apparatus to measure transpiration, NOTHING WAS WORKING FOR US until FINALLY we fixed the problem with an obscene amount of tape. We got the data in the end, but were the last group to finish.
I still blame the plant for it all, though I think that might just be because I REALLY don't like plants anymore because this unit so far has had A RIDICULOUS AND PROBABLY ILLEGAL AMOUNT OF INFORMATION and we're even SKIPPING some of the chapters on plants.
OH MY GOD PLANTS WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO COMPLEX. Why can't you be like the sea sponge, huh? SEA SPONGES KNOW HOW TO BE SIMPLE, MAN. They just sit around and let water do shit for them, but noooo, YOU gotta have your damn xylem and phloem and PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
In the end, though, I still actually like plants more than everyone else in my class. I wonder if the plant in my room could sense my anti-plant feelings right now and is getting all like PSHHH whatever I'm a plant I do what I want.
Also, I somehow have over a 4.0 GPA? I don't know how that happened, I don't have straight As, but I think it's because I'm taking 3 AP classes, so they give you something like SUPER BONUS POINTS or something for that. I get to graduate with high honors, so, WEEEEEEW.
Um. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY GRAND RE-ENTRY INTO THE INTERNET but so far all I've talked about most is a freakin HUG I saw this morning and how much I hate PLANTS. UUUUM.
OH. When I got home today, I walked into the kitchen to find some Pringles or some shit like that to munch cause I was hungry. Except I was greeted by a frickin HELLA DINNER with cod and rice and green beans and texas toast and KEY LIME PIE.
So I got to om nom like a boss. I kept thinking I'd done something either REALLY GOOD that they were rewarding me for, or that I'd done something SO TERRIBLE and they were getting ready to confront me about it. Turns out it was just that my dad had the day off and was bored, so he wanted to cook an epic dinner. WORKS FOR ME.
And this post works for me, too, cause I'm DONE with it. Here's to (hopefully) getting back to posting somewhat regularly again. MAYBE. I'm graduating soon so I might be busy, yknow, with GRADUATING. I don't think it'll be too much of a problem though.
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