I LIED. My new Calculus, is, in fact, GERMAN...?
Wait wait wait WHAT I thought I was taking Italian? What is this bullshit? EXPLAIN YOURSELF, SELF.
Turns out, Italian 101 didn't fit into my schedule. So I was all like
But then I started looking through all the other languages and saw that German was like the ONLY thing that fit my schedule. I thought OH COOL I COULD TOTALLY DO THAT. And so I signed up. BAM. Just like that.
But I underestimated just HOW much I'm used to Spanish. As soon as I start trying to pronounce German, my Spanish brain just TAKES OVER and is all like AW DUDE CHILL OUT I GOT THIS, and my German brain is like...well it doesn't do anything because it's basically comparable to a newborn--all it does it cry and pee all over itself.
Way to go, German brain.
So my inability to both comprehend the language AND to speak it has left me sitting in class with an oddly familiar feeling...a BAD feeling...kinda like the one I felt...
...IN CALCULUS. It makes sense though, right? I mean, they're both foreign languages.
IN OTHER NEWS, I'm starting to get a system down: I wake up, be awesome, go to class, be awesome, get home, be awesome, crack open a Red Bull and join my brethren on THE INTERNET. The only real problem with this schedule is that energy drinks aren't cheap, and also I guess they're not very good for you, uh. BUT IT'S OK! As soon as I hit 21, I'll replace the Red Bull with a beer. THAT WILL DEFINITELY FIX THE PROBLEM.
Yes. My impending alcoholism is a running gag here, and I intend to freakin RUN with it.
Also, just so we know. I am slowllyyyyy getting used to my new iPhone. I can text, look at maps, play a few games, but for everything else I'm still just like
What the hell is this I don't even...?
I'm also supposed to be trying to cook legitimate food this week and NOT live off of Red Bull, Ritz Bitz, and water. ...We'll see how that goes. I'M TRYING, OK ;;;
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