Speaking of November, I should probably say that I WON NANOWRIMO!
My final wordcount was 50,390, which came out to about 185 pages (when counting the front and back of each page as two pages, the way a printed book would). I can't say it's the BEST writing I've ever done, but it is by far the most I've ever written for a single project. The novel itself isn't complete--I've got at least one more act to write--but having this much done already is definitely a huge help. I'm really excited to finish writing it and get to the editing process.
But that can wait until AFTER this semester is over.
So today is Thursday. I know, Thursday is a bad way to start the day, but luckily I had a Red Bull this morning, and so that evened things out a bit.
As you may or may not know, I am pretty damn good at my European History class. I have an exam for it tomorrow, and so I've been studying here and there for it all week. BUT, I am by no means ready to take the test yet!
So I get to my European History class today. I take my usual seat by the front, I pull up the tiny desk extension of my chair, I take out my notebook and pencil and I title/date the page for today's lecture notes. No big deal. I do this everyday. The only thing off about it today was that our professor still wasn't there after the first few minutes.
And then the teacher's assistants walked up to the front of the class. Counting heads. Holding scantrons.
We were taking the test today.
There are no words to describe the feeling in my heart at this point. It was like dropping a bowling ball on a trampoline and then lying underneath the trampoline as the bowling ball comes flying back to hit you in the face over and over and over and over.
Over like this.
If my bladder had been full, I might have peed. Instead, I managed to grab one of the hundred thoughts flying though my brain and decided on a course of action. I flipped my notebook open to the previous days' notes and frantically studied as much as I could in the 30 seconds or so I had before the test. My eyes were like a swarm of moths fluttering wildly about the florescent light that was my notebook.
And then I got my scantron.
It wasn't the test.
It was an evaluation form about how we felt about our professor.
That's why he wasn't in the room.
Now if my bladder had been full, I still would have peed, but it would have been a pee of RELIEF rather than of sheer terror. It took the entire time filling out the form for my heart to finally calm down, and the bruises from the metaphorical bowling ball were still aching for the rest of the lecture.
I guess it took that little scare to make me realize just how UNPREPARED I was for this coming exam. So after class, I grabbed a buddy, ran to Starbucks, got myself a peppermint mocha and headed for the library for SUPER STUDY SESSION. I don't know how long we were there. More than 2 hours, less than 3? Time flies when you're staring at disorganized notebooks and trying to translate them into a cohesive self-made study guide.
At about 6:30 I packed up and ran to get myself a decent meal at Chik-fil-A, and talked to my momma on the phone while I walked back to the apartment. NOMS were had and now I'm sitting here on the couch, fat and happy and trying to study a bit more before giving up and going to bed.
Also, my roommate left for the weekend, so, well. You know.
I got bored but didn't feel justified in slacking off, so I took a 20 minute break to clean the kitchen a bit and make myself a cup of tea. If you're the kind of person who cares about that sort of thing, you can watch all of that happen below. Sped up, of course. I will never make you watch me clean a kitchen for 20 minutes.
I look like a Sim on full speed...
Anyway, now that I've been productive and awesome and everything that I was NOT yesterday, I'm going to try to fit one more hour of studying in before saying BLARGHHRLBRAFFLLLL and going to sleep.
Goodnight all. Sleep well! Or wake well!
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