But seriously, do not feel obligated to waste your time watching this thing because I have no idea why I decided to do this and also IT'S 11 MINUTES LONG, which should not be allowed to happen but somehow IT DID.
It was originally 20 minutes, because that's about how long my morning drive takes, but there is absolutely no way I'm letting you waste 20 minutes of your life listening to me talk about how I found my jacket yesterday morning or what would happen if I crashed into a cactus.
Actually, you still get to hear me talk about that stuff, but for half as long. You might wanna change the video quality to 720. Or you might not, I don't know. The video runs really choppy for me, but that may just be my computer. REGARDLESS, HERE.
After watching this, I learned that I tend to accidentally make the most incredible HERP DERP faces while talking. I think the low angle helps. I would not have it any other way.
I would also like to say that I tried to upload this directly to blogger, but after literally HOURS, it still refused to load completely. Even my blog doesn't want this thing on the internet. TOO BAD, I HAVE A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT, SO.
I don't know how many times I had to watch this damn thing while editing it, so by now I am absolutely sick of my voice and feel sorry for anyone who actually watched the whole thing.
Now, the video was taken Monday morning (obviously), so TODAY I actually took that test I was talking about. There were eight problems, and for the first 7 I was like HEY WAIT I KNOW HOW TO DO THIS STUFF (MOSTLY)
And then I got to the last problem and I was just like OH IS THIS A JOKE
But otherwise, assuming I can get partial credit for the stupid mistakes I probably made on every problem, I SHOULD be kinda ok? I certainly didn't FAIL. I think. Anyway, ambiguous fate is better than certain doom, so I'm happy with this.
ALSO, today the whole family got together and went out to eat. I would elaborate, but I ate SO MUCH FOOD that I don't think I could manage talking about it. Just. It never happened. I'm just going to pretend the eating part NEVER HAPPENED.
In fact, I'm just not gonna say anything at all. I am literally too sick to even type right now. UUUUGGGH