as soon as it stops being amusing to me.
Today is my Friday! It's actually Thursday, but I don't have classes on Friday so THURSDAY IS THE NEW FRIDAY.
Yknow how everyone is a total ass to my teacher for no reason? Well, today, in the middle of a complicated problem that involved a lot of backtracking and doublechecking, this one guy in the back of the class just lets out the most absurdly exaggerated sigh of his LIFE in frustration. Like straight up SIIIIIIIIIIGGGHHHHHHH.
But instead of the rest of the class being all like I AGREE WITH THE IMPLICATIONS OF SUCH A SIGH, everyone, including the teacher, just turns and looks at the guy like
And so the guy goes like
And then everyone was just like OK UH--BACK TO MATH, RIGHT, OK, COOL. MATH.
And then at the end of the day, we got out 40 minutes early! The teacher was all like I'M NOT TEACHING ANYMORE BUT YOU CAN STAY IF YOU WANT AND DO HOMEWORK OR SOMETHING
And I'm like OH LET ME THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE. Sit in a freezing plastic chair and do more math, or FROLIC IN THE SUNSHINE.
I think we both know the answer to that question.
It's nothing personal, just. Yknow. Math.
So that concludes my first week in CALCULUS. Despite the obvious "THIS ISN'T MATH THIS IS GREEK--SERIOUSLY WE'RE WRITING IN GREEK HERE HOW IS THIS MATH" moments, the class has actually turned out better than I expected. 4 hours a day for 4 days a week aint so bad after all!
I do have an exam on Tuesday, though.
I have an exam on EVERY Tuesday, to be precise. On the one hand, hey, long weekends forever, but on the other hand, TUESDAY. I'm probably going to end up studying frantically over the weekend so that when I get to class I'll be so disoriented that I can't even find my chair.
My chair is RIGHT next to the door but I'll probably get to class and be all like
And I don't even WEAR glasses.
Oh well. Here's hoping I can teach myself limits and derivatives over the weekend...?
TO CONCLUDE, since I never leave you any music anymore, here. Aside from the chorus, DOESN'T THIS SOUND LIKE RADIOHEAD?
Love it!