To be fair, I have to admit that today was a vast improvement from yesterday. I actually got to sit in a chair today, although I accidentally chose the seat behind "I-have-really-poofed-up-hair-and-am-going-to-turn-my-head-in-confusion-blocking-your-view-everytime-you-need-to-see-something-on-the-board-because-I-don't-have-a-soul" kid.
He doesn't know I call him that. That stays between us, internet.
But yes, otherwise, a vast improvement. In only two days, I went from OH MY GOD THIS IS THE WORST WHY AM I HERE WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS SERIOUSLY I DON'T EVEN
To merely what is this I don't even...?
Now obviously I still can't even, BUT I'LL GET THERE. WHATEVER IT TAKES, MAN. I mean, I'm learning fast. I've already figured out what Calculus is.
Dark magic, to be specific.
But enough about that. It's dangerous stuff and it's not safe to talk about for extended periods of time. I mean, I'M already cursed with Calculus, but you guys still have a chance. DON'T LET IT GET YOU. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, AND hide yo husbands, cause they calculating E'ERBODY OUT HERE.
I'm also hearing a lot of talk from several people in the class-that-must-not-be-named. College talk, to be specific. Bad college talk, to be specificer. Bad college talk about the UofA, to be specificest.
Nothing serious, just that EVERYBODY EVER in this one kid's Chemistry class FAILED EVERYTHING ALWAYS FOREVER. Also, all of the teachers are asses, apparently.
BUT THEN AGAIN, this information came from the kids who were very unsympathetic to our poor tiny math nerd teacher. SO WHO KNOWS. I'm not gonna let it faze me. I'm still going into the whole college thing with absurd expectations, so. MY MORALE IS NOT SO EASY TO CRUSH, CHILDREN. LET THIS BE A LESSON TO YOU ALL.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have...witchcraft to get to.
And by that, I know.
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