Today's post isn't gold either. THIS SHIT IS PLATINUM.
Because we took our test in Government last class, TODAY we got to just chill and watch a powerpoint on the bureaucracy/federal budget. We didn't even have to take notes, so the whole time in class I was just sitting there munching on Poptarts staring at the whiteboard like
Then we did a group activity looking up the different agencies and whatnot. Most people make a big deal about group work and have to FREAK OUT over grouping up with their bff, but when Ruby and I group up we're just like
I feel like I haven't seen her in forever, because I leave early every other day, and the days I DON'T leave, she has club meetings. We only see each other in class now :C But she's going on the Spain trip too, so we'll be able to hang out on spring break...IN SPAIN.
So after Government, I had to go to study hall, which meant I had to give my presentation FOR REAL this time. I get to class and the teacher was like YOU'RE GOING FIRST IMMEDIATELY.
And at first I was like
But then I was all HELL WHATEVER I'M TOO AWESOME FOR THIS TO BE A BIG DEAL so I just prance up to the podium like
Gave my presentation LIKE A BOSS, and even though I went a little faster than I did in my practice runs, I still met the time mark by like 20 SECONDS. I go back to my seat, and the teacher hands me my score.
I GOT A HUNDRED FREAKIN PERCENT. I even got a little note that said "OUTSTANDING PRESENTATION" on it. Yes, yes, I am a winner.
So once again I go to Trig in a GOOD STATE OF MIND. Except I had to pee. See, after my presentation, I downed like a WHOLE BOTTLE OF WATER in relief, and I was now feeling the consequences. On top of that, we were also having a quiz today. And like all math quizzes, I could study for five hours straight and still not feel comfortable.
So the teacher walks in and says we're going to have a SUPER INTENSIVE DAY and we'll be working non-stop.
Now, this is both good and bad. It's good because this means we might run out of time for the quiz. It's bad because I'm ABOUT TO PISS MY FREAKIN PANTS, and since we're not allowed to leave during lectures, I might have to end up holding my bladder for over an hour.
I was SO TORN the whole lecture, because I really didn't want to take the quiz, but I also REALLY had to pee. I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO and the whole time I was like
The lecture went on. And on. AND ON. And I held my bladder like a trooper. The whole lesson, I don't even know what it was, something about "simple harmonic motion"? THERE AINT NOTHING SIMPLE ABOUT IT, the whole time I was just staring at the board like
And every time we had to try a problem out of the book I would just punch shit into my calculator like
By the time 12:45 rolled around (10 minutes left of class), the teacher said we wouldn't have time to take the quiz, and on the inside I was like YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAHHHH NO QUIZ AND I GET TO PEE SOON.
When the bell rang, I LITERALLY RAN to the bathroom. People thought I was just excited to get out of class, BITCH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I HAVE TO PEE RIGHT NOW.
Took care of my bladder, then I GALLOPED to my car cause I was so damn happy.
So now I'm home and it's Friday and I've got ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to do whatever I want.
AND I'M GONNA. But first, remember this song?:
How OLD was I when this came out? I was like TWELVE or something holy shit. If I ever make a ~FABULOUS~ playlist, this is probably the kind of stuff I'd put on it.
...Yeah, I'm gonna end on that note.