See, I’m supposed to be making a good workout playlist, or at least a playlist to feel FABULOUS to, so I started surfing around Youtube and the rest of the internets for good songs and such. And so I’m finding songs, downloading songs, putting them into the playlist, when suddenly I notice something stupid.
For one of the songs I downloaded, iTunes literally labeled the genre as “Gay”. Like, the playlist genres were listed as Pop, Dance, Electronic, and GAY.
Seriously. Seriously?
And the song wasn’t even gay! It was a girl singing about a guy. WHAT IS THIS I DON’T EVEN
And that’s not the only instance of idiocy. iTunes also refuses to acknowledge Lady Gaga as an “Artist”. Her music is technically THERE since you can find the songs individually under "songs", but iTunes won’t list her under “Artists”. The only way I can listen to her music is if I plug in my actual iPod. DA HELL IS UP WITH THAT.
And yet, I’ve come to the conclusion that iTunes DOESN’T hate Lady Gaga, because "Bad Romance" is its favorite song ever. See, every time I put her music on shuffle (through my iPod), Bad Romance is always, ALWAYS, the first one that gets played. And several times when my WHOLE library is on shuffle, iTunes will REPEAT Bad Romance. I didn’t even know songs COULD be repeated on shuffle. YOU SHAMELESS FANBOY, iTUNES, breaking your own rules. I APPROVE!
Anyway, I guess this isn’t anything new. We were already aware of iTunes’ astonishingly retarded tendencies.
What IS new is a meme. I haven’t done a meme in forever. FOREVER. So here’s a meme.
3 songs you love at the moment
This meme is smart to say "at the moment". I go through random music phases where I'll listen to like ONE BAND ONLY for a WEEK and then I go off on some crazy multi-genre spree and and IT'S ALL OVER THE PLACE. Right now, I guess "Dance The Way I Feel" by Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen, and "Radioactivity" by Kraftwerk are getting played a lot more than usual.
3 books you love
I always have to say Dostoevsky's "Notes From Underground", just because that was the first book I ever actually LOVED, because I would read it in my very noisy study hall as a way to kinda just tune everything out. It became a kind of escape for me I guess, haha.
And even though I pretty much love anything by Chuck Palahniuk, "Fight Club" is probably my favorite (which I actually read before I saw the movie).
And I know it's kind of a weird book, but I really really loved "Let The Right One In". That is one of the only books that legitimately SCARED me, even though the book as a whole isn't necessarily scary. It's just that certain scenes were written so well that I was just like FHKGSJRTGJGJ
3 movies you love
AAAAAA I don't know I don't know. I'm not a huge movie person. I guess Gladiator, Inception and Star Trek (2009). There are probably a TON more that I'm just not thinking of, but these were the first three that came to mind.
3 celebrity crushes
Uhhh, my celebrity crushes are usually kind of obscure, but I guess I'll start with Kiera Knightley, since she's the obligatory girl-crush, and probably the only person anyone will actually recognize:

I think it's the eyebrows. She's got hella eyebrows.
And now we're heading into obscure-territory with Stéphane Lambiel:

He's a figure skater from Switzerland. That's why you don't know who he is! But he's not ENTIRELY unknown, since he was in the 2008 Winter Olymics (he got to carry Switzerland's flag in during the ceremony, so you KNOW he's serious business).
And yes, he IS the one in my favorite dancing gif:
Finally, probably the MOST obscure is Francisco Lachowski:

He's a MALE MODEL. From BRAZIL. But he's actually all over the place. A few times I've recognized him on clothing advertisements and I'm just like
How about some electronic dance. Like any good dance song, you've gotta give it time to build:
And ok, I was supposed to make this an INTERESTING post but I got distracted and now I don't care anymore! But tomorrow is Monday, so maybe I'll have more to talk about then. For now, I'm going to go cry about Trigonometry for a few more hours and then go to bed.
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