Seriously guys I'm blogging while on a stair-climber. Typing is incredibly difficult and for some reason makes my butt-muscles hurt. What is this oh my god I DON'T EVEN
Ok yeah I've just decided I'm never stair-climbing while blogging ever again. How about I just blog a bit after every 100 calories. THAT'S A MUCH BETTER PLAN wow I cannot ABSOLUTELY CANNOT type and climb stairs at the same time. This is a valuable lesson I have learned and I hope you all remember it next time you think about stair-blogging. Which is a thing, by the way.
EVERYTHING HURTS OH MY G ok actually it's not that bad but still, any excuse for melodrama. Which, by the way, why is it called MELOdrama? Wouldn't SPASTICdrama be more appropriate? Most people hardly feel MELLOW when being melodramatic.
I GOT NEW SHOES. And they fit. It's important to make note of that last bit, because too often to not be a conspiracy against me, my shoes don't fit. I keep mentioning every time I get new shoes/clothes/whatever, because I am slowly checking those things off of my list of stuff to get before the Spain trip.
Along with getting legit clothes, I practically live in those boxers I bought, too. I...I AM OFFICIALLY AN AT-HOME BUM. That's...that's fine. I can accept that. It was inevitable. In fact, I think I actually pull them off quite nicely.
...And I mean "pull them off" as in "I am fabulous", not as in "WHOOPS no pants".
OK, I have no appropriate segway here, so I'm just gonna say we're taking a bit of a detour. See, there's one aspect of my sense of humor that is not as widely understood as others. And that aspect is VIDEO GAME PHYSICS. Like, it's kind of EMBARRASING because I freakin PISS MY PANTS over wonky graphics and game glitches.
Thus, this video STRAIGHT UP MURDERED ME. It's a Grand Theft Auto mod that gets rid of FRICTION in cars. So basically:
SERIOUSLY I DON'T KNOW WHY IT MAKES ME LAUGH SO MUCH. I think my favorite part is like 1:22 where the taxi flies off into FRICKIN NOWHERE.
Ok ok now for the music. I usually don't like music videos, but this one's actually pretty nifty:
See, I went light on the gifs today so that my double-video post would be justified. I was very tempted to just post the retarded-car video and not even say anything, but like I admitted earlier, my sense of humor isn't always so easily understood.
WITH THAT, I LEAVE YOU. I have school tomorrow, which I DO NOT WANT, but I will deal with, because I am a badass, and badasses get shit DONE.
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