We had a seating rearrangement in all my classes today. I got my front-row seats taken away in the classes I LIKED being front-row in, and I got moved to the front in the one class I preferred being in the back. I feel like I'm being plotted against...
Also, I have THREE presentations coming up. One of them is a rehearsal for my SEP presentation, and the other two are for my AP Biology class (and I have to do a rehearsal for one of these presentations, too!). Aaaah. I don't have a problem with public speaking, I'm just LAZY and I don't WANAAAAA ;;;
Today's meme: You just found a genie in a lamp! What are your three wishes?
1. FIRST WISH. To never have to sleep again. Not that I don't like sleep; I just don't like NEEDING it.
2. SECOND WISH. The ability to travel anywhere in the world regardless of expenses. BRB BEING A TOURIST FOREVER.
3. THIRD WISH. Since I can't wish for more wishes, I wish for...MORE GENIES.
More music! Yknow, for someone who doesn't dance, ever, I sure do like songs about dancing:
Goodnight, or good morning! But not good afternoon. If you're reading this in the afternoon, I'm sorry, but you're doomed to having a terrible afternoon.
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