I think what's happened is that for this whole MONTH I've been approaching everything with as much enthusiasm as possible, because I don't know, I guess it's my life's motto to always be enthusiastic. And now I've just kind of gone numb to it, and I feel like for the past month I've just been EXISTING rather than actually LIVING.
Not that there's much I can DO about that, so says circumstance, which makes the whole situation feel even MORE like a waste of my time/LIFE.
...Ok wow sorry, I should have just gone with the "tooooo laaazzy" excuse. I'm doing my best to keep personal/serious bullshit out of this blog! But...oh god WHAT IF IT'S THE HORMONES screwing with my flawlessly stone-faced, iron-hearted identity? NOOOOO I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE FEELINGS!
No no no but seriously that was a fluke, it's fine, I'M fine, I'M AWESOME, now let's move on.
So anyway, TODAY. I DID have another dream, which I think confirms that I'm officially a TRUE DREAMER now. I don't remember what the hell was going on other than there were a bunch of people who had epilepsy, but instead of just convulsing on the floor when they had seizures, they would also frantically eat Twinkies until sedated.
Yes. I had a dream about TWINKIE FITS.
It was also a half-day at school today, so I got out at around 11:20. In Trigonometry, the trend of my incredibly idiotic luck continues, as we ran out of time for that quiz AGAIN if you can believe that. And on top of that, even though I forgot to bring my homework today, we got a due-date extension anyway. My "idiot luck" is becoming more and more of an everyday occurrence!
Seriously, no quiz AND a get-out-of-fail-free card? WOW.
Then when I got home, I was really hungry, so what does my dad do? He STOPS PLAYING CALL-OF-DUTY and makes us CHIMIGANGAS for lunch.
I didn't even ASK him to. I FEEL SO LOVED ;;;
And then for dinner later, my MOM made chimigangas. So. I had chimigangas for lunch AND dinner. They will be the death of me. Seriously, I'm going to DIE of FATNESS. Because of the double-chimi-wammy, I made an extra effort to do other healthy things all day to compensate, like drinking more water than I needed to, and putting in more workout time. But now everything hurts ;;;
Also, this is kind of random, but for Christmas last year (uh, a month ago) my sister bought Assassin's Creed:Brotherhood for me. I still haven't beaten it though because she took the PS3 with her when she moved out, so, haaah. The point of this little snippet is that it makes THIS VIDEO RELEVANT. It's the LITERAL TRAILER for the game:
Again, my video-game humor is kind of terrible, but I still don't care, I FIND IT HILARIOUS. If I ever had to kill someone, I'd definitely kill them with my awesome.
Wow, lame post is lame :C But like I said, I'm too lazyyyyy to actually put EFFORT into it today. Or, wait, I MEANT to say that, but I don't think I actually said that. I'm saying it NOW, then: I'M LAZY.
Good, we've all learned a valuable lesson here today, so I'M TUMBLIN ON OUT OF HERE, THEN.
(And...I don't mean I'm going on Tumblr...I mean I'm going to bed)
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