Either way, in typical Monday-morning fashion, my alarm went off and I was like
...And then I set it to wait another 15 minutes. BECAUSE IT'S MONDAY AND I'M ALLOWED TO NOT WANT TO LIIIIIIVE. But eventually I DID have to get up, and so I trudged out of bed, leaving MY SOUL behind in the comfy sheets
After I'd showered and gotten dressed, my mom called me up to the kitchen for a PROPOSITION. See, she wanted to see who walked more during the day: her, at work, or me, at school? So when she asked if I'd wear a pedometer to see who walked more, I was like "Oh ok sure".
However, being the insufferably competitive child I am, in my head I was like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, I AM SO GONNA WIN THIS GAME OH MY GOD
So, my first class of the day was AP Literature. Ok, cool, that's a 12th grade English class, right? Right, we agree on that.
So can someone tell me why, on one of the handouts we got today, did it say "FOR 9TH GRADE ENGLISH CLASSES". I saw that and I was like
REALLY. REALLY? I swear, I have to bite my tongue so much in that class, because if I ever even THOUGHT about saying what I felt about the caliber of work we do, I would probably be killed in some gruesome manner that could still maybe be passed as a freak accident, because sometimes I feel like those are the kind of people in my class: KIDS WHO COULD CLEVERLY KILL YOU AND THEN GET AWAY WITH IT. Not that I dislike them, quite the opposite, I just think that if it was a cooperative effort, they would be able to DO that. It's a very TOGETHER WE STAND--OR SIT, WHATEVER YOU GUYS WANT kind of class.
But really, I feel like we don't do anythiiiing. But maybe that's just me being a snarky little prick when it comes to English?
...It's probably that.
Remember that quiz we ran out of time for last class in Trig? Well, we had to take that TODAY instead, so I spent all morning psyching myself up for. Seriously, I dried my hair this morning in front of the computer, watching Trigonometry videos on Youtube. So finally 4th period rolls around, I get to class. I sit down. People start walking in. Then THEY sat down.
And we just WAITED. And waited. No teacher yet. Kept waiting, STILL no teacher. So of course, one of the kids decided he wanted to nap or something, I don't know, but he went and turned all the lights off, and we just SAT there in a dark room for a good 10 minutes (with window light but STILL).
But then I realized "Oh wait this is prime naptime isn't it." And so I napped for like 5 minutes. Then teacher FINALLY got there and just TURNED ON ALL THE LIGHTS, and I was like
And then we started the lesson, which wasn't actually a lesson, just review. And for the entire class, THE ENTIRE CLASS, we did TWO problems.
One of the problems was just trying to find the height of a right triangle using tangent equations, but the second one gave us HELLA trouble, because part of the problem was to graph it on our "graphing utilities", and nobody's calculator would cooperate. Even the TEACHER was like
So FINALLY we got the damn thing graphed, and until then no one had bothered to look at the clock. It turned out that by the end of the problem we had like FIVE MINUTES left of class. You know what that means?
No time for quiz.
On the outside everyone was like "Awww not again! That's too bad!"
But inside we were ALL like
So on that note rang the beckoning call of the LUNCH BELL. And I had to pee, so--
...no seriously, this isn't just TMI, there's a point to this story, trust me. I had to pee, right, so I walked into the library bathroom. Cool, ok, so I peed. And when I went to flush the toilet, it flushed. And flushed. And then it flushed again. AND THEN IT FLUSHED SOME MORE.
And that's when I realized the terrible, terrible truth: THIS TOILET WAS NEVER GOING TO STOP FLUSHING.
It had, by some random, tragic roll of the dice, been doomed to spend the rest of its poor existence in a PERPETUAL STATE OF FLUSHING.
FOREVER. So I stood there for a moment frantic like
After a brief and helpless moment, I accepted the fact that there was nothing I could do to change the toilet's fate, so I scurried out of the stall, hoping no one was there to get the wrong impression. But lo and behold, SUDDENLY EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE was standing there waiting to use the stall. And from their perspective, what did it look like?
IT LOOKED LIKE I HAD BROKEN THE FREAKIN TOILET. I tried to laugh about it like "Oh, haha, it just started flushing like that and wouldn't stop!", but everyone was just like
And I was just like
So I just got the hell out of there.
5th period flew by, and with that, I was on my way home. Except WAIT, first I had to make my way through the parking lot.
I don't think I've ever talked about it before, but I am CRAP at finding my car. Unless I park next to a pole or something, I will spend like 10 MINUTES wandering the lot like a dumbass. The fact that I never know if cars are going to wait for me to cross the parking lot or not doesn't help. Seriously, I'll be standing there like a deer in headlights FOREVER before finally running across like
So THEN I was on my way home.
Remember the PEDOMETER CHALLENGE? Well, when I got home, it was time to DECLARE THE WINNER. I honestly couldn't even guess how many steps I take everyday, so all day I kept checking it like WHOA WHAT ONLY THAT MUCH?! We both got home around the same time, and when I checked the final count, I had racked up almost 3000 steps, and I thought for sure I'd won so I was like
But she actually had over 7000 so I was like
But I guess that's a good thing, isn't it? I mean, I don't really WANT to be taking a whole bunch of steps every day, I'm too lazy. Forget about health benefits!
No video today because whoa, I posted way too many gifs. TIL NEXT TIME.
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