But I'm just like
I don't know, caffeine has never noticeably affected how I act. Some people act ANNOYINGLY HYPER after a cup of coffee or something like that, and I always assume they're putting on a show because, seriously? YOU CAN NOT BE THAT HYPER AFTER ONE CUP OF COFFEE.
But maybe I'M the odd one.
Also, I learned something very important today. Apparently doing:

THIS in France and THIS in Italy
is synonymous with doing THIS in the US
SO I HAVE TO BE REALLY CAREFUL ON THE SPAIN TRIP. I can't be all like "I'm A-OK" in France, and I can't go all "HELL YEAH ROCK ON" in Italy. Because that would be offensive!
And probably obnoxious!
And also, apparently in Thailand, giving a thumbs-up is like flipping someone off too. WHAT. I'm lucky we're not going to Thailand, cause I'd totally forget about that and I'd be like HEY GUYS THIS IS SO GREAT
And everyone else would be all
Cause they'd think I was basically going
So yeah. As much as I'd like to go to Thailand. Good thing.
Tomorrow I'm supposed to wear white in memorial of the shooting victims. The whole school is supposed to do it, and there was talk about doing some kind of photo, but I don't know anything other than that. How are they going to get the whole school in one photo? They're probably NOT but I DON'T KNOW.
And, I'm sorry, as inappropriate as this may be, if it rains tomorrow I won't be able to help but LAUGH. SUCKS TO BE EVERYONE. But it'll suck worse to be me when I get PUNCHED IN THE FACE for being so insensitive. Hell, I'd punch MYSELf in the face.
But anyway. MUSIC:
Alright, you know the drill. Or maybe you don't. Is there even a drill? Why would I be drilling, anyway? What would be the point of that? That's just stupid. Oh my god. Ok, that's it then: there's no drill.
So if you thought you knew the drill, well, YOU WERE WRONG.
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