And the fact that I KNOW I can do that is sometimes enough to make me happy again.
So anyway, I woke up this morning hella determined and just BEAUTIFUL (mentally). Like, "Hella-happy challenge? This is so on, I GOT THIS."
Showered like YEAAAAH, got dressed like YEAAAAAH, dried my hair like YEAAAAAAH and then I was out the door.
So I got to Government and I just SKIP IN, FRICKIN HAPPY
Of course, my enthusiasm wasn't exactly matched by the class environment, but hell, I didn't care, I had a POPTART so I just munched the whole way through the lecture.
I studied for my math quiz during SEP, and I felt pretty good when I handed the quiz in to get graded. But-...but then I got the grade back ;;;
It wasn't TERRIBLE, and it was only a PRACTICE run to see where we stand, but the majority of the class got PERFECT SCORES and I was sitting there with like a high 60, low 70. I mean, I wasn't SURPRISED by my score, but I was still like
After that, I sat around a bit mopey for the rest of class, but then I remember it was HELLA HAPPY DAY so when the bell rang I walked out like GOODBYE BITCHES I'M GONE
When I got home, I went in the kitchen, got myself a Red Bull and some Pringles, sat down at my desk and was like MISSION (mostly) ACCOMPLISHED.
I'm not obligated to be hella happy for the rest of the day because as far as I'm concerned, my day ends when school ends. The rest of the day is just FREE FLOATING EMPTY SPACE in which I DO WHAT I WANT. And if I don't wanna be happy, then HELL I ain't gonna be happy.
...I'm still totally hella happy though. I CAN'T HELP IT. I'll probably have a HAPPY-CRASH tomorrow, but...I'LL DEAL WITH THAT IF/WHEN IT HAPPENS.
Although, it's REALLY hard to stay mad, ANY day, when I come home and Chloe starts freaking out cause she's so damn happy to see me
Above: the most appropriate gif ever.
We also had our Spain trip meeting today! Even though it was basically an hour of stuff we'd already been over, it was still exciting because the trip is so close now. At first I was just mentally freaking out like OH MY GOD YOU GUYS JUST--OH MY GOD
But then the more I thought about it, and the more I realized just how SOON it's going to happen, I was like...SHIT JUST GOT REAL.
I've gotta start thinking about what to pack. Well, no, actually I think the only thing I'll have to worry about is what clothes to bring. I still need to go out and get some new stuff--a lot of what I have doesn't fit well and it isn't really weather-appropriate and
Hell, ok mostly I just want new stuff. But anyway, music:
And this is the part where I say bye. So. BYE.
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